- 内橋和久
- 中尾憲太郎
- ササブチヒロシ
OPEN 19:00 / START 19:30
前売¥3,000 当日¥3,500(+1drink order)
2025.3.12 (Wednesday)
Kazuhisa Uchihashi×Kentaro Nakao×Hiroshi Sasabuchi Unit One-man".
adv¥3000 / door¥3500
open 19:00 / start19:30
Kazuhisa Uchihashi
Kentaro Nakao
Hiroshi Sasabuchi
The second one-man show of the Uchihashi, Nakao, and Sasabuchi unit's demon nonstop improvisation one-man show, which was well-received last time! Don't miss it!